“Fritz LangThe Testament of Dr. Mabuse”
Artwork of the Week 11
Artwork of the Week Edward Ruscha Edward Ruscha moved to Los Angeles in 1956, where he attended Chouinard Art Institute (which became Cal Arts) and initially studied commercial design. In his early w…
Donate Art
Donate Art If you have artworks or objects that you believe could be of potential interest to Palm Springs Art Museum, contact us and share a description of your proposed donation using the form belo…
Artworks of the Week 25
Artwork of the Week Tom Friedman Throughout his career, Tom Friedman has been creating meticulously rendered drawings and whimsical sculptures that inhabit the boundary between reality and illusion. …
Jacob Lawrence
Jacob Lawrence’s paintings and prints depict African American history and contemporary culture by combining social realism with modernist silhouetted forms and bold colors. Printmaking, which th…
To apply for a position, please send a letter of interest and resume to: Search Committee at jobs@psmuseum.org (No phone calls please) Please note that due to the high volume of interested appli…